Prof. Wes Sharrock Lectures in Japan 2000
【00.09.04】13:30-18:00 @明治学院大学
"Philosophy and sociology 1: The case of Peter Winch: conceps and reality"
1. The meaning of Winch's thought - still open after 40 years.
2. Winch and Wittgenstein
3. "Language and reality" A central misunderstanding
4. Winch and social science; Winch's questions
5. Winch and Wittgenstein again
6. Philosophy's foster child: Sociology
7. No special relationship between philosophy and science
8. Philosophy's problems are not real problems
9. Winch faithful to Wittgenstein
10. Not empirical but coneptual investigations
11. What it is not to have 'theses'
12. Agreement in practice not in opinions
13. Concept of reality
14. Explanation: Witchcraft case
15. Evans-Prichard's problem and the use of secondary elaborations
16. Dissolution of E-P's problems
17. A standard misunderstanding: concept and reality
18. The 'insularity' of practices
19. The heart of it: Do concepts capture what is the case?
20. How to map concepts onto reality?
21. Question cannnot be asked
22. Grammer tells us what anything is.
23. Difference form true - false nature of empirical propositions
24. Summary of key points
25. Concept of cause/determination of cause
26. Wittgenstein's lever analogy
27. Postscript: Ethno and CA
【00.09.05】13:30-18:00 @東洋大学
"Philosophy and sociology 2: Realism and construction"
1. Don't oppose philosophical positions.
2. Philosophical positions are not 'on all fours' with ordinary ones.
3. 'Reality' is a humble expression.
4. Apparent conflict in opinions, agreement in practice.
5. The nature of opposition to 'realism'.
6. The choice of mind dependent/mind independent is no choice at all.
7. Grammar limits what we can say, not what is the case - bivalence.
8. Realism Repeats our ordinary expressions.
9. Emptiness of the question: do our concepts correspond to reality?
10. The role of Science in 'our' culture.
11. Real as opposed to what?
12. Expression 'out there' - cross purposed
13. Role of Belief
14. Language is not coneptual scheme.
15. Scientist's realism an attribution problem?
16. Realism versus construction
17. But what is ascribed?
18. Cross purposes again
19. What difference would it make to science?
20. Scientists of the working week
21. Grammar edges out epistemology.
22. Real an ordinary word
23. Wittgenstein's questions
24. Thinkering with 'discovery'
【00.09.06】13:00-18:00 @東洋大学
【00.09.07】15:30〜17:30 @関西セミナーハウス
【00.09.09】14:00-16:00 @明治学院大学
"The legendary Thomas Kuhn - and the real one: Incommensurability"
●Wes Sharrock 教授の著作です。
Wes Sharrock and Bob Anderson (1986) The Ethnomethodologists. Tavistock(Key Sociologists Series.
R. J. Anderson, J. A. Hughes, and W. W. Sharrock (1989) Working for Profit: The Social Organization of Calculation in an Entrepreneurial Firm. Gower Publishing Group.
G. Button, J. Coulter, John R. E. Lee, and Wes Sharrock (1995) Computers, Minds and Conduct. Polity Press
W. W. Sharrock, D. W. Francis, and E. C. Cuff (1998) Perspectives in Sociology (4th edition). Routledge.
W. W. Sharrock and J. A. Hughes (1998) The Philosophy of Social Research(3rd edition). Addison-Wesley Pub.(Longman Social Research Series)